swan song, 2023, ceramic, glass beads, wire, 36 x 24 inches.

Myth explores the persistence of ancient mythologies in connection to contemporary political agendas and societal perspectives on gender dynamics. The roots of democracy, as embraced by some, lie in the stories of Greece and the Roman Empire. The appropriation of these foundational narratives not only laid the groundwork for the shaping of modern Western nations, notably the United States, but also entrenched gender dynamics that, although outdated, persist today.

I draw upon art historical imagery and tropes from these myths to explore their relevance in our current era. My work questions how these age-old myths can be applied to present-day contexts and the endurance of destructive narratives. Through themes of death, grief, rebirth, and reinterpretation, I seek to challenge accepted norms of dominance and the narratives that continue to define us while encouraging the creation of new mythologies better suited to our contemporary reality.